Thursday, October 12, 2023

ISRAEL AT WAR: Ta'anit Tzibbur: A Day of Communal Fasting

Posting on Facebook by Hadar's Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Aviva Richman:

"Today I am fasting, along with hundreds of others in the community, out of desperation for what is happening in Israel and Gaza.
My fasting expresses two things. When Jacob faced his brother Esau, he was "very afraid" and "distressed." (Genesis 32:8) ויירא יעקב מאד ויצר לו
Our tradition teaches that he was "very afraid" of dying. And he was "distressed" that he would come to kill others.
You might think these distinct fears create an inner conflict that leads to the inability to act. Just the opposite. Jacob is not deterred into inaction by these conflicting fears. He takes action in all the ways he can. He prepares for battle, and sends a gift of appeasement, and prays to God.
I am fasting today because I am "very afraid" about my people dying. And I am simultaneously "distressed" about killing innocent others.
These two fears must propel us into action, and inform how we take action in all the ways needed as we insist on defending life, dignity and ultimately peace."


Ta'anit Tzibbur: A Day of Communal Fasting


We have a traditional practice for moments like this one: ta'anit tzibbur–a fast that draws in the entire community to unite for deliverance for those in crisis.

We stand in horror as Hamas has taken over 100 Israelis and other citizens hostage, among them infants, toddlers, entire families, the elderly and Holocaust survivors. 

While political and military leaders are pursuing pathways to their release, we have a religious and communal obligation to stand up for the victims and to cry out to God. 

Please join us this Thursday, October 12th, the 27th of Tishrei, for a communal fast day supported by rabbis and leaders from across the Jewish world. The fast will begin at dawn and end at nightfall. Click here for halakhic information about communally-decreed fast days.

We invite you to gather for communal prayer as we join for Minhah this Thursday at 5:45 PM. You can find more information on how to join us, both in-person and online, here.


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